Leading With Emotional Intelligence:
A One Day On-Site Seminar
One of the greatest challenges facing business leaders today is ineffective or impaired relationships among personnel at virtually every organizational level. Leaders don’t communicate clearly with managers. Managers don’t communicate well with subordinates and subordinates don’t communicate well with each other. The result is disengaged employees, interpersonal conflict, wasted time, inefficient processes, and compromised organizational effectiveness.
Leaders often enter the workplace with little or no training in interpersonal or “soft” skills. Many believe that “hard skills” are what will get them ahead in their careers. But as author Daniel Goleman stated recently: "The rules for work are changing. We're being judged by a new yard stick: not just how smart we are, or by our training and expertise, but also by how we handle ourselves and each other."
Leaders and senior managers often rely on familiar but not necessarily productive patterns of behavior that they’ve become comfortable with over the years. Some consider themselves “above it all” when it comes to learning about something as “squishy” as interpersonal, soft, or emotional intelligence skills.
The fact is, many organizational cultures are not characterized by an emotionally intelligent approach to leadership and relationships. It’s often left up to the individual employee to “figure it out” and find their own way of getting through it all. Some do, many don’t. The organization pays the price in the form of unacceptable turnover, misunderstandings, conflicts, hostile work relationships, and demoralized workers.
This focused learning experience is designed to help leaders become more personally effective as leaders at every relationship level in their work, both internally and externally, by developing their emotional intelligence (EQ) skills.
Over the course of this full-day session, participants will learn the foundational skills of emotional and behavioral intelligence. As they learn to build on and master these skills, they will achieve a higher level of personal productivity, reduced stress and conflict, and greatly increased leadership effectiveness.
Each participant begins their workshop experience by introducing participants to the language of Emotional Intelligence and begin the process of understanding the importance of self-awareness and self-management, two of the foundations of emotional intelligence.
Once participants understand their own behaviors and emotions and the unintended effect they may have on other people, they’re ready to learn about how other people operate emotionally and behaviorally. This part of the workshop addresses the next two fundamentals of emotional and behavioral intelligence: social awareness and relationship management. Participants will learn that treating other people the way they themselves would like to be treated (aka, the Golden Rule) simply doesn’t work in business relationships. They’ll learn precisely how other people want to be treated and communicated with. This is relationship management. They’ll learn how to quickly identify, understand and adapt to virtually any behavioral and emotional model they may encounter and to manage each such relationship differently and effectively.
The Leading With Emotional Intelligence seminar is an excellent and impactful way to introduce an organization’s managers and leaders to the basics of emotional and behavioral intelligence. Participants will come away with a thorough grounding in these concepts as well as practical strategies to apply the learning in a very personal context. They will not just understand “What” to do, but “How” to do it as well.
Prior to the workshop, the workshop leader will work with client management to “calibrate” the workshop content around the specific development needs of the organization.
Applications for Emotional and Behavioral Intelligence include:
· Leadership Development
· Team Building
· Leading Through Change
· Personal Leadership Effectiveness
· Coaching and Mentoring Effectiveness
· Conflict Prevention and Resolution